John Zastoupil

University of Tennessee
227 Natalie L. Haslam Music Center
1741 Volunteer Blvd.
Knoxville, TN 37996-2600
John Zastoupil
Director of Bands, Associate Professor of Music
Dr. Zastoupil assumed the role of Director of Bands and tenured Associate Professor of Music at the University of Tennessee in the fall of 2022. His primary responsibilities at UT include conducting the critically acclaimed University of Tennessee Wind Ensemble, teaching graduate courses in wind studies, guiding the wind conducting program, and providing the administrative leadership for all aspects of the University of Tennessee’s diverse and historic band program.
Dr. Zastoupil previously served as Director of Concert Bands and tenured associate professor of music at Missouri State University where he guided all aspects of a comprehensive concert band program of five concert ensembles – over 400 students. He conducted the Missouri State Wind Ensemble, Wind Symphony, Springfield Youth Wind Ensemble, Community Band, and taught the graduate wind conducting studio. While at MSU, he founded three nationally recognized events: the MSU Conducting Workshop, the Springfield Youth Wind Ensemble, and the Palen Concert Clinic for concert bands. The MSU Wind Ensemble received national attention with invited performances at the 2018 and 2022 CBDNA Southwestern Regional Conventions, the 2018 MMEA Conference, as well as performances at the Kauffman Center for the Performing Arts in Kansas City, MO and the Meyerson Symphony Center in Dallas, TX. The University Wind Symphony was selected and performed for the 2020 MMEA Conference and the Community Band was selected and performed at the MBA Summer Convention in 2021.
An advocate of music education and advancing the wind repertoire, Dr. Zastoupil has collaborated with composers such as James Stephenson, Kevin Day, Michael Daugherty, William Bolcolm, Augusta Read-Thomas, Stephen Gryc, Gunther Schuller, Scott McAllister, Paul Dooley, Scott Boerma and others. Since 2013, his online conducting course through Conn Selmer’s MusicProfessor platform has received worldwide recognition as a valuable resource for online conducting pedagogy. Since 2021, he works extensively with the Yamaha Corporation of America to assist in the education and outreach of the Harmony Director 300, helping band directors all over the globe incorporate this technology into their classrooms. Zastoupil regularly guest conducts professional and student honor ensembles throughout the United States and has conducted abroad in Europe and Asia.
Dr. Zastoupil’s professional experience includes having served as the Associate Director of Bands/Director of Athletic Bands at the University of Texas – Arlington and Eastern Michigan University, as well as brass staff faculty for the Santa Clara Vanguard DCI corps. Originally from Texas, Dr. Zastoupil holds a Doctor of Musical Arts degree from Northwestern University where he was the L.K. Skornia endowed fellowship winner and was an adjunct instructor in the Bienen School of Music. He received his Master of Music degree in wind conducting from the University of Michigan, his Bachelor of Music Education degree from Baylor University, and is a former student of the Aspen Music Festival and School.
DMA, Wind Conducting – Northwestern University (2012)
MM, Wind Conducting – University of Michigan (2007)
BME, Music Education – Baylor University (2005)