David M. Royse

University of Tennessee
College of Music
202 Natalie L. Haslam Music Center
Knoxville, TN 37996-4040
David M. Royse
Area Coordinator and Associate Professor of Music Education
David M. Royse is Coordinator and Associate Professor of Music Education at The University of Tennessee, Knoxville. His duties include instructing graduate courses in research and foundations of music education and undergraduate courses in instrumental music education. His research interests focus on music teacher training issues. He is a frequent presenter at state, regional, and national conferences, and has authored or co-authored articles in the Journal of Research in Music Education, Bulletin of the Council for Research in Music Education, Journal of Music Teacher Education, Contributions to Music Education, Music Educators Journal, and Teacher Magazine. He is a contributing author to the 2010 publication, Kaleidoscope of Cultures. A Celebration of Multicultural Research and Practice: Proceedings of the MENC/University of Tennessee National Symposium on Multicultural Music and the 2002 MENC publication Classroom Management in General, Choral, and Instrumental Music Programs. He is a Past President for the Southern Chapter of the College Music Society (2007-09). He was the recipient of the 2012 University of Tennessee School of Music Faculty Distinguished Teaching Award and a 2004 University of Tennessee Citation for Excellence in Advising. Prior to his appointment at UT in fall of 2000, Royse was for 10 years on the faculty of Kansas State University, where he was a 1998 recipient of the William L. Stamey Undergraduate Teaching Award from the KSU College of Arts and Sciences. He is a 2022 inductee into the Tennessee Music Education Association Hall of Fame. Music Education.
PhD, Music Education – Kent State University (1989)
MME, Music Education/Curriculum & Instruction – Austin Peay State University (1983)
BS, Music Education – Austin Peay State University (1981)
K-12 Teaching Experience
1982-85 – Band Director, Bremen High School, Bremen, Kentucky
1988-90 – Band Director, Russell High School, Russell, Kentucky