Faculty and Student Advising Guide: Academic
After Acceptance
- Summer: students should study for musicology and music theory diagnostic exams. Materials available on Canvas.
- Incoming students should be aware of these events, which occur virtually the week before classes begin:
- GTA training sessions
- Review sessions for musicology and music theory diagnostic exams
- New graduate student orientation
- Musicology and music theory diagnostic exams
First Semester
- Review results of diagnostic exams which are posted to the Canvas course site by noon the day following the exams.
- If the student wishes to take 500-level courses in MUCO or MUTH, they must have passed the graduate diagnostic exam in that area or take and pass with a grade of B or better than the appropriate review course before attempting graduate-level work.
- The normal full load for a graduate student is 9 to 12 hours; the maximum load is 15 hours.
The course load of a student holding an assistantship should be reduced in proportion to their responsibilities. The course load of a student holding a 25% assistantship should be 9-13 credits, and those at 50%, 6-11 credits. - Review the appropriate degree requirements and rough out a curriculum over the next 4 semesters.
- It is strongly recommended taking MUSC 510 in the first semester of matriculation. This course should be successfully completed no later than the second semester.
- Begin reviewing steps to graduation.
Second Semester
- Begin thinking of a topic for thesis project.
- Students in the Musicology concentration are limited to a total of two failed attempts at graduate-level musicology courses, including those attempts that end in withdrawal from a course.
- At the end of the second semester, complete and submit the Admission to Candidacy form to the College of Music Graduate Studies Administrative Assistant. The major professor, student and Master’s Committee chair together select other Master’s Committee members. The Master’s Committee consists of three members of the College of Music faculty: the major professor (who normally serves as chair of the committee) and two other faculty members chosen by the student, one of whom must be a Musicology, Music Education or Music Theory faculty member. All committee members must be at the rank of adjunct assistant professor or above.
Third Semester
- Last chance to submit completed Admission to Candidacy Form to the College of Music Graduate Studies Administrative Assistant
- The Master’s committee chair should schedule a pre-comprehensive exam meeting. The committee’s goals for this meeting can also be shared by other means (e.g. email). The date of the comprehensive exam as well as the oral defense should be agreed upon by all parties. Several weeks prior to this meeting, it is recommended the student prepare a Statement of Career Goals and share it with the faculty committee. This document, usually one page in length, can be used by the committee to formulate comprehensive exam questions pertinent to the student’s career aspirations.
- Student must turn in Recommended Arrangements for Final Exam form to the College of Music Graduate Studies Administrative Assistant two weeks prior to date of written exam.
- Deadlines for completing the oral defense and question revisions are November 15 for the fall term and April 20 for the spring term.
- Plan thesis & dates. Jointly select a date during the 4th semester, with knowledge and approval by the master’s full committee. Set the defense as far in advance as possible.
- Thesis topic approval form
- Be aware of date for submission of thesis online to Thesis Consultant ([email protected])
- Be aware of date for submission to committee
- Be aware of date for thesis defense
- Look at all deadlines for graduation for the current academic year and expected graduation date (admission to candidacy, graduation application, exam, etc.).
Fourth Semester
- Complete Written Comprehensive Exams and Oral Defense Revisions must be completed prior to April 20. The Master’s Committee chair is responsible for gathering the questions from the committee and submitting to the College of Music Graduate Studies Administrative Assistant no later than noon on Friday before the examination commences the following Monday.
- Prior to the Oral Defense, the Master’s Committee chair downloads the Pass/Fail form.
- The Master’s Committee chair is responsible for chain of custody for the Pass/Fail form and must achieve the signatures of all committee members.. The completed form is sent to to the Graduate Studies Administrative Assistant. Do not send the form directly to the Graduate School.
- Review thesis approval process, formatting requirements, and submission process here.
- Apply for graduation through MYUTK – careful of the deadline for this.
- Pay Graduation Fee through MYUTK – careful of the deadline for this.
Approximate Dates for Comprehensive Exams by Area
Music Theory and Musicology: late 3rd semester or early 4th semester
Music Education: mid 4th semester
Diagnostic exams
Exams in Theory and Musicology are taken by students prior to the start of classes in their first semester. If exam is failed, students must take and pass a review course in that discipline. This review course will need to completed and passed before progressing to the other courses in the area of the respective review course.
Written Comprehensive Exams
An extensive take-home exam consisting of one (broad) question from each of the three members of the student’s Master’s Committee. The student has one week to complete the exam, and is excused from classes and ensembles during this time (from 9am on a Monday until 9am on the following Monday). The exam is emailed to the committee with a copy to the Graduate Studies Administrative Assistant.
Oral Comprehensive Exams
An examination, generally reflective, of the student’s written comprehensive exams, between the student and their Master’s Committee.
The capstone project of their graduate career and signifies the completion of the requirements for graduation.