Transfer Student Theory Placement Test
If you have taken theory somewhere else and are transferring credits, you will need to take the Theory Transfer Placement test. This one test covers topics in all the theory classes (MUTH 100, 110, 120, 210, and 220).
Topics covered in MUTH 100: Fundamentals of Music
- Introduction and Terminology – definitions of general music terminology
- Notation – treble, bass, alto and tenor clefs; note names and register designations; accidentals; half and whole steps, enharmonic notes
- Rhythm – note and rest durations; ties and slurs; duplets and triplets; syncopation; meters and time signatures; tempo designations.
- Scales, Modes, and Key Signatures – major, natural, harmonic, and melodic minor scales; relative and parallel major and minor; key signatures; scale degrees, function names and solfege; chromatic, pentatonic, whole tone, and octatonic scales; modes
- Intervals – simple and compound intervals; inversions; consonant and dissonant; enharmonic intervals
- Triads & Seventh chords — quality and position/inversion of both triads and seventh chords
- Triads in Keys & Analysis – roman and Arabic numeral designations of triads in keys; figured bass symbols; harmonic progressions
Topics covered in MUTH 110: Music Theory I
- Review of triads and seventh chords
- Counterpoint – first, second and fourth species counterpoint
- Part Writing – basic rules of root position, first inversion and second inversion primary triads
- Cadences
- Non-Chord Tones
- Melodic organization – motive, phrase, periods, formal diagrams
- Harmonizing melodies
Topics covered in MUTH 120: Music Theory II
- Review of part-writing and cadences
- Part-writing of secondary chords
- Harmonic rhythm
- Harmonizing melodies
- Seventh Chords in keys
- Secondary Dominants and leading tone chords
- Modulation—closely related keys; common chord, direct/phrase, sequential, chromatic modulations
- Small Forms — binary, ternary, and rounded binary (composite ternary) forms
Topics covered in MUTH 210: Music Theory III
- Review of secondary dominants and modulation
- Chromatic Harmony — mixture/borrowed chords; Neapolitan; augmented sixth chords; chromatic mediants; altered dominants; common-tone diminished seventh chords
- Modulations using chromatic pivot chords, enharmonic reinterpretations of chords, and linear modulatory techniques
- Large Forms — Variation forms; Sonata form; Rondo form; Sonata-Rondo; Fugue
Topics covered in MUTH 220: Music Theory IV
- The Limits of Functional Tonality — Wagner & chromaticism; Scriabin & the Mystic Chord; Non-functional harmony; Non-functional pitch centricity
- “Impressionism” & non-functional harmonic progression — Scale Theory; Non-triadic harmonic construction
- “Expressionism” and introduction to set theory including Set Theory Transformations
- Folk Influences and Neoclassicism
- Twelve-Tone & Serialism — Basic Transformations & Matrix construction
- Music Since 1950 — textural music; music concrete; rhythmic procedures; minimalism; aleatoric music; serial extensions
Once the test is graded, you will be advised as to where you should start in the theory sequence. You must then talk to your advisor to get a petition completed to allow the credits to count at UT.
Proficiency Tests
If you feel that you know the material in any of the theory course, you may opt to take a proficiency test (like a final exam) for each class. To do this:
- Go to the area coordinator and tell them you want to take a proficiency test for a particular course.
- Go to the registrar’s office to fill out the form and pay the fee for the proficiency exam.
- Schedule a time to take the test (usually 1.5 to 2 hours).
- Study and take the test.
- The teacher will submit the grade for the test. The grade you get on the test becomes the grade for the class. You will receive hours of credit just like you took the class.
Note: There is no transfer or proficiency test for courses higher than MUTH 220 and 240.
- Roig-Francoli, Miguel A. Harmony in Context, 2nd ed. McGraw-Hill.
- Roig-Francoli, Miguel A. Workbook for Harmony in Context, 2nd ed. McGraw- Hill
- Burkhart, Charles. Anthology for Musical Analysis.
- Roig-Francoli, Miguel A. Understanding Post-Tonal Music. Boston: McGraw-Hill, 2007.